fauxhermesbag.com are honestly the best Birkin replica company in the world! The quality is impeccable and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. replica Hermes bags are honestly the same as the real bag- from the leather, smell, shape, stitching and all this for such a small price and brand new! I will definitely be ordering some more! I love my bag!
In the past two years, the baking circle seems to have negotiated and stepped into the “color circle”.
Hermes Replica Bags
Not only has the appearance of “embellishment” been changed, but the eyeball effect has been effectively improved with large-area color blocks. It has gradually moved from products to store packaging, using niche colors to further strengthen topicality and brand power.
This got me thinking: is color really the password to grab consumers’ traffic?
Boldly open the wheat: Color is used well, and it is easier to be remembered by consumers than to design a unique and subtle brand logo.
I still remember that Bread and Butter relied on green packaging to create a buzz on social platforms, creating a queuing effect.
Touching ♥ said that when I first came into contact with this brand, I was also attracted by the color of the bag, and then I saw the big logo.
In fact, it is easy to understand. Generally, when you come into contact with a new product, the visual communication must be faster than the taste.
You don’t even need words to describe it! Eliminate the cost of communication.
This seems to mean: work hard on the shape …
The international auction house Christie’s 2021 Hong Kong Autumn Auction ended a few days ago. The total turnover this season recorded a total of 3.8 billion Hong Kong dollars (about 13.5 billion Taiwan dollars), which became the highest auction record in Christie’s Asian history. The performance is even better than before the epidemic. The rise of Asian collectors has made Hong Kong the most high-profile art center outside New York.
This autumn auction set a total of 35 world auction records, and 1 Hermes (HERMES) matte white Himalayan Nile crocodile skin 28 cm Kelly bag with only 18K white gold and diamond accessories sold for a whopping 4 million Hong Kong dollars (about 14.2 million Taiwan dollars). ) hit the hammer at the sky-high price, breaking the annual transaction record for handbag items in global auction houses.
In the press conference held after the auction, Christie’s also mentioned that the Asian market is obviously globalized. Among them, the number of new millennial buyers with strong learning ability has increased by 29%, and the total online transaction volume has increased by 4 times compared with the fall of 2019; continuous growth Among the Asian markets, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan performed …
Everyone has heard of the ultimate luxury of Hermes, a legendary story that is hard to find and cannot be bought with money, which makes people want to find out more. Now you can easily have a one-day lady experience! Can you imagine doing yoga with tens of thousands of Hermes scarves? Experience all kinds of sports equipment customized by Hermès, but the whole process is free? The legendary “Hermes Gym” has finally arrived in Taipei after Tokyo and New York City. HermèsFit will land in the Huashan 1914 Cultural and Creative Industry Park in December, and the public has opened up for exclusive courses and exhibition experiences.
The exclusive style training field created by Hermès will bring everyone a new and unique experience, not only providing small class experience courses such as scarf yoga, belt stretching, bracelet ballet, etc. In the brand’s iconic orange creative space, many kinds of Hermès orange sports equipment customized for the event have been created.
Kettlebells and barbells made of Hermès horse heads and round orange boxes are used for heavy training. In the Hermès boxing arena, there are boxing sandbags made of silk scarves, as well as exclusive sports spaces such as rock …