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The new leather workshops will be located in the Riom Limagne and Volcans regions in the Auvergne region of central France.
Hermès Kelly bag
French luxury goods group Hermès announced that it plans to open a leather goods workshop in Auvergne, France in 2025, which will create 250 jobs and lay the foundation for future expansion of handbag production.
The new leather workshops will be located in the Riom Limagne and Volcans regions in the Auvergne region of central France. Hermès will partner with French employment agency Pôle emploi to recruit artisans locally for the new workshop, and will begin training new employees at a temporary venue in Riom in November.
Hermès also owns a 20-year-old workshop in the Auvergne region, Maroquinerie de Sayat, which, together with the new leather workshop, will form the seventh leather manufacturing center of the Hermès group, which will eventually house more than 500 artisans.
Driven by strong demand in Asia, Hermès has added nine new leather workshops in the past 10 years, employing more than 2,500 artisans. Now the total number of Hermès leather workers has exceeded 3,800.
Earlier this month, Hermès also announced plans to build a new leather goods workshop in Normandy, …
On January 24, following the successful launch of the new pilot watch series, Swiss watchmaker Schaffhausen “IWC – IWC” and brand ambassador Gu Ailing released a new pilot series advertising blockbuster.
Hermès Kelly bag
Gu Ailing, who is only 18 years old, can be called a “wizard”. She is not only a rookie freestyle skier and a darling of the fashion model industry, but also a smug prospective college student. By actively speaking, she hopes to promote the development of skiing, inspire and Inspiring young generations around the world to contribute.
In the new advertising blockbuster, Gu Ailing wears the IWC Pilot’s Chronograph 41 (Model: IW388102), vividly showing the multi-faceted power of today’s young people. The appearance is the home court, and their time has come.
As a leader in pilot watches, IWC has always focused on the engineering design of pilot watches, meeting the functional requirements and specific needs of professional pilots with outstanding innovation and superb skills. With its iconic and highly contemporary design, the IWC Pilot’s Watch is now the perfect choice for athletes, fashionistas and younger generations like Gu Ailing.
IWC Chief Marketing Officer “Franziska Gsell – Fan Sijia” said: “Gu Ailing is the youngest brand …