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fauxhermesbag.com are honestly the best Birkin replica company in the world! The quality is impeccable and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. replica Hermes bags are honestly the same as the real bag- from the leather, smell, shape, stitching and all this for such a small price and brand new! I will definitely be ordering some more! I love my bag!

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Paris prosecutors for the manufacture and sale of counterfeit Hermes (Hermès)

The leader of the gang of handbags delivered a verdict, including some of the former employees of Hermes.

A total of 10 criminal gangs were tried. They sold counterfeit Hermes handbags to Asian tourists in Paris and consumers in Hong Kong in 2013 and 2014. Seven of the gang are former employees of Hermes.

Initially, a man was suspected of selling stolen Hermes handbags in Asia. The French police eavesdropped on his house and found that the gang had produced dozens of fake Hermes platinum bags (Birkin) at home.

The prosecutor said that the gang sold fake bags at a price of 23,500 to 32,000 euros per piece, and could make an annual profit of about 2 million euros.

They obtained crocodile skin raw materials from Italian suppliers, smuggled zippers and other parts from Hermès factories, and hand-sewn them by 4 skilled leather workers using Hermès’ signature stitching method.

One of them is a 52-year-old Cambodian woman who has lived in France since 1980. Her task is to resell fake and real platinum bags together to customers. She told investigators that customers knew they were buying fakes.

Another 45-year-old …

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I recently bought a 35 birkin in rouge casaque from them. I was a bit confused about the payment process at first but after I sent an email, Tracy was very helpful in sorting everything out. Shipping was very fast after the payment was processed and I had an overall great experience.

Brilliant!! Must have
I ordered three bags, two Birkins and a Kelly they are absolutely divine. Great work and you can’t tell the difference between the real ones and replicas. My fav is the Epsom blue kelly (32) it’s so gorgeous.

Great service from Tracey and quick delivery, thanks again! Can’t wait to order more from you. 10/10

I bought a copy Hermes Kelly 32 !
I bought a copy Hermes Kelly 32 !! Adorable!! Excellent quality !! Really efficient staff! They assisted me in everything and were really helpful !!! Fast delivery!! Super super happy !!! thank you so much!!

Very good guality.
It took a month to get here, but worth it! Amazing quality, actual Togo leather. My friend who owns 3 actual birkins looked it over with a fine tooth comb and it fooled her! I’ll be ordering another one very soon

pretty bag